
Information about the flight

Find out what to expect from your flight experience and how to prepare.


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A helmet and more.

We’ll give you a suitable flight suit. And children are really in luck – our superhero suits making flying twice as much fun! Your helmet, goggles and ear defenders also ensure your safety.


Preparation is king. And queen.

It’s easy to get off the ground. And to make sure everything goes smoothly, before you start you'll learn how to maintain a stable body position while flying. Communication is also important in the flight chamber. You’ll learn how your coach will communicate with you during the flight.

Take off

There’s nothing better than flying. As you’re about to find out.

The excitement is mounting, and soon you’ll experience the impossible: you’re going to fly! You’ll pass through an airlock and enter a waiting room with direct access to the wind tunnel. Are you ready? You stand at the entrance and let yourself fall into the wind tunnel. The wind catches you – guaranteed. And your coach is always by your side.

flight duration

A minute floating on cloud nine.

Your dream of flying lasts one minute – and then at least one more. In total, this corresponds to the time it would take to free-fall from an altitude of 12,000 metres!

That’s why it’s important that you make good use of the time between flights to recover. You can watch a video of your flight on the screen while you’re doing so.

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